Safeguarding Policy for Under-18 Employees and Freelancers


This policy outlines the measures and procedures our company, Worksity Limited, will implement to safeguard the welfare of our under-18 employees and freelancers, in compliance with the laws of England and Wales.

1. Legal Compliance

  • Work Permits and Employment Laws: We will adhere to the Child Employment Regulations 1998 and the Education and Skills Act 2008, ensuring all under-18 employees have the necessary work permits and are employed in accordance with legal age, hour, and work type restrictions.

2. Workplace Policies

  • Code of Conduct: Develop a code of conduct specifically addressing interactions with underage employees, including non-discrimination, respect, and appropriate behaviour.
  • Restricted Tasks: Clearly define tasks that are inappropriate or legally restricted for under-18 employees.

3. Onboarding

  • Project Agreement: For each project, we create a brief that specifies the nature of the project, expected deliverables, outlines the scope of work, duration, payment terms, and any specific requirements related to the project. Include safeguarding policies as part of this agreement. By following through with the project, the student agrees to the terms inside the brief that are designed to protect them and provide paid work experience for them. This agreement will first be delivered to the representative from the educational institution ( teachers/course-leader) before each project, and they can then share it with the student.
  • Parental/Guardian Consent for Each Project: Since the individuals are under 18, it’s important to obtain parental or guardian consent for each project. This consent form can be embedded inside the project brief we send to the student and their teachers, which include acknowledgment of the specific project details, the safeguarding measures in place, and an agreement for ongoing communication.
  • Also, the responsible member of the company will sign the agreement, affirming the company's commitment to the project terms and safeguarding policies.

3. Training and Awareness

  • Regular Training Sessions: Conduct annual training sessions for all staff, focusing on safeguarding principles, legal obligations, and company policies regarding underage workers.
  • Specific Examples and Scenarios: Use real-life scenarios to illustrate potential safeguarding issues and appropriate responses.
  • E-Learning Modules: Implement online learning modules that staff can access for refresher training.
  • Safeguarding Officer: Appoint a trained safeguarding officer to lead training sessions and be a point of contact for safeguarding concerns.

4. Safe Environment

  • Physical Safety Measures: Ensure all workspaces comply with health and safety regulations, including safe equipment and emergency procedures.
  • Positive Workplace Culture: Foster an inclusive, respectful work environment, with zero tolerance for bullying or harassment.

5. Parental/Guardian Involvement

  • Parental Consent and Communication: Obtain written consent from parents/guardians and maintain open communication about job responsibilities, hours, and any issues that arise.
  • Parental Meetings: Organise periodic meetings with parents/guardians online to discuss their child’s progress and address any concerns.

6. Support Systems

  • Mentorship Program: Pair each underage employee with a mentor for guidance and support.
  • Access to Counselling Services: Provide confidential counselling services for any personal or work-related issues. (Can college provide this?)
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Establish regular checkins and feedback sessions with underage employees.

7. Monitoring and Review

  • Annual Policy Review: Conduct an annual review of this policy and its effectiveness, incorporating feedback from underage employees, their parents/guardians, and staff.

8. Confidential Reporting Mechanisms

  • Anonymous Reporting System: Implement a system for confidentially reporting safeguarding concerns, accessible to all employees. (Can this again be done through the college?)

9. Collaboration with Educational Institutions

  • Partnerships with Colleges: Work closely with local colleges to ensure our practices align with their safeguarding policies and support student development. (It would be amazing if we can work hand in hand with college to make this policy as effective as possible.)

Implementation and Compliance

  • Responsibility: All staff are responsible for adhering to this policy.
  • Policy Distribution: This policy will be distributed to all employees and made available to parents/guardians and educational partners.

Reference Materials

By adhering to these guidelines, Worksity Limited commits to creating a safe, nurturing, and legally compliant environment for our under-18 employees and freelancers. This policy not only protects these young individuals but also supports their personal and professional growth within our company.

If you observe a violation of the rules above, please take a moment to fill out this short form (you can fill out anonymously if you want to). Your message will be reviewed immediately, and the Worksity team will respond as promptly as possible. All reports will be investigated and result in a response that's deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances.

Last updated: March 1, 2024

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